Creative Brand Communications

Worlds Apart: Heineken launch new social experiment encouraging people to come together and discuss their differences.

After a string of polarising elections and global decisions, the world today has never seemed more divided or more vocal about disagreements or differences in opinion. With such passionate opposition on both sides of the fence it would seem that people with such fundamental differences would struggle in sharing the same room together let alone a beer. And yet that is exactly what Heineken have set out to disprove with this incredibly moving social experiment, hopefully restoring some of your faith in humanity in the process.

With the thought that society can be brought back together again by starting an open and honest dialogue they have taken it upon themselves to  start the conversation with their new ‘Worlds Apart’ video. They answer questions such as: what would happen if you bring together a feminist, and an anti-feminist? Or a climate change activist with someone who thinks the whole idea is “piffle”? Heineken have stated that their brand ethos going forward is all about openness and bringing people together even under the most unlikely of circumstances.

Cindy Tervoort, Head of Marketing, Heineken says: “Open Your World is the first-time Heineken has launched a campaign of this nature in the UK. Joining forces with The Human Library is a way for us to inspire more people to focus on the things that unite us rather than divide us. We don’t all support the same football team, listen to the same music or share the same taste in clothes. We know we’re never going to agree on everything but there will also be common ground. Whether it’s 1950, 2017 or 2027, being open lets us get more out of life. It makes the world a more interesting place. And it makes every story worth listening to.”

I definitely think other large companies could make their mark, taking a leaf out of Heineken’s book by encouraging people from all walks of life to put their differences aside, get together and simply talk it out. We are all only human after all.



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