Creative Brand Communications

NIKE REALLY IS ONE STEP AHEAD: Virtual LED running track brought to life.

Sporting connoisseurs, Nike have launched a one of a kind virtual LED running track in the Philippines’ capital Manila, in partnership with the launch their new LunarEpic running shoe.


The 200 metre track, which spans the size of an entire city block, is the first one of its kind in the world. The track is lined with LED lights, allowing up to 30 people to compete in a race against themselves.


The initial time is set on your first lap through a sensor that is attached to your trainers; or as it is more commonly known, a hyper accurate RFID (Radio-frequency identification). Then on subsequent laps an avatar will appear on the LED screen next to you; however as you run faster your avatar will appear bigger and faster encouraging you to beat your best.


It seems that in a technology dominated society, where our smartphones seem to be magnetised to our body, Nike have created an innovative way of tracking our ever increasing strict diet and exercise regimes. In turn this could potentially reduce the dependence we have on a single piece of technology; Nike as well as other brands such as Fitbit and the Apple watch may well just be responsible for the decrease in smartphone technology use during exercise. I mean we all despise that one person at the gym who is so engrossed in their phone, that they don’t realise three other people are waiting for that piece of gym equipment. Nike along Fitbit and Apple may just be the catalyst in encouraging people to get up, get out and exercise more in the fresh air.



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