Creative Brand Communications


March 2, 2015

Clothes for the Camera Shy.

Introducing the new limelight-stealing fashion line…

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As with all great ideas, they usually come when on tour with Paul McCartney – right? Well perhaps not, but that’s how product designer Chris Holmes came up with his anti paparazzi clothing line ‘Flashback’.

After many a ruined photo op when his on-stage garb would reflect back the flashes of cameras leaving everything else in his vicinity cloaked in darkness, Holmes realised that this seemingly annoying trait could actually be a blessing in disguise.

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According to twentytwowords, Holmes’ Flashback clothing line is made using, “millions of microscopic “nano-reflectors” that send the light from a photographer’s flash straight back into the camera, ruining any picture.”

Now being marketed as the ultimate paparazzi deterrent, Holmes’ fashion line includes scarves, sweatshirts and baseball caps.

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Although a great invention, one has to wonder whether he has really done his market research – camera shy celebs?…

Isn’t that the modern day equivalent of a unicorn?

Images and Video © Chris Holmes / BetaBrand


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