Creative Brand Communications

Shabby street performer kicks up a fuss in stealthy stunt.

You’d be forgiven for not taking a second glance at a scruffy-looking street performer doing tricks with a football.

Well this ingenious prank by superstar footballer Christiano Ronaldo may make you look twice the next time you pass a suspiciously talented bearded dude on your commute!

The Portuguese star took to the streets of Madrid in cunning disguise, sporting a questionable facial hair/wig combo, along with full body suit and makeup for the elaborate stunt to promote his new range of Monster headphones.

The outfit was made complete by every vagabonds must have accessory: a canine companion.

The Real Madrid player proceeded to engage some less than enthusiastic passers-by in a kick-about – even asking one unsuspecting lady for her telephone number (she said no…bet she regrets that). As you might expect, the star didn’t cause much of a stir at first.

Ronaldo reveal
The big reveal comes as Ronaldo signs a football for a seemingly confused little boy, before stripping off his outfit in superhero fashion to reveal his true identity.

Chaos ensues as a swarm of camera phones surround the star.

An original way of promoting a headphone range – a lot of footballers would have stuck with ‘on yer head son!’

Images / Video (C) Buzzfeed


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