Creative Brand Communications

Building buzz for Channel 4 brands

Channel launches, seasonal promotions and premieres


Brexit: The Uncivil War

We unveiled Channel 4’s own ‘Brexit Bus’ ahead of that evening’s airing of Brexit: The Uncivil War, a new drama starring Benedict Cumberbatch.

Styled to mimic the infamous Vote Leave campaign coach – the vehicle bore a new slogan – ‘Take back the remote control’.

The campaign was unveiled in Westminster as part of a tour that takes in London, Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Nottingham, Leicester, Cardiff, Bristol and Reading.

Short Shorts

We staged an eyebrow-raising fashion stunt to promote Channel 4’s new series of online short programmes on 4OD.

The campaign was designed to amplify Channel 4’s above-the-line marketing creative and in particular the TV trail.

Taking inspiration from the culture of ‘dress down Friday’ in the City, we would deploy four men out into London sporting high-cut, tailor-made ‘business shorts’.

The stunt delivered widespread media coverage and trended on Twitter.

(All happened long before a price comparison website did something similar)

Play Video

Promoting the UK’s first live TV advert.

Taylor Herring PR were hired by Channel Four to handle Britain’s first live television commercial – an ambitious sky-diving stunt which would be the curtain raiser for a new Honda advertising campaign.

Sky divers would take to the sky over Madrid to undertake a series of highly challenging formations to spell out a message to viewers during a 3 minute commercial. 

The story dominated the week’s news coverage with fully credited pieces running in The Times, The Guardian, The Sun, The Independent, Metro, Daily Mirror, Daily Star, The Financial Times and Evening Standard.

There were over 200 online hits for the news story including all the core news, media and entertainment sites as well as numerous blogs and discussion boards.

Launching More 4

Following a five-way competitive pitch Taylor Herring PR were appointed as consultants to More4 and advised on all PR aspects of the launch from off-air marketing to the creation and execution of the launch event.

The campaign was a critical and popular success which delivered one of the biggest ever audiences for a new channel launch.

Peter Dale, the head of More4 said; “For a public service channel to create this impact with a challenging schedule in such a hugely competitive market is an extraordinary achievement.”